The home of the Historic Marathon Rally Group. The Historic Marathon Rally Group (HMRG) is a friendly UK-based network of enthusiasts dedicated to reuniting historic rally cars, competitors, service crews, and supporters from around the world. Our mission is to celebrate and promote the legendary Marathon Rallies and Classic Car Endurance events of the past while fostering a shared passion for motorsport history.
Following discussions over the last few days with the Owner, the Perth to Sydney Marathon 2021 organisers can advise that all being well, the fabulous Sobieslaw Zasada Porsche 911 S Car # 58 will be seen on the Perth to Sydney Marathon 2021.
Our fingers are crossed.
Route of the Perth to Sydney Marathon Rerun 2021
Here is another view of the car at rest but this time actually on the 1968 London to Sydney Rally.
Porsche 911S car 58 at the start of the 1968 London to Sydney Marathon Rally
The Event Organising Committee will be meeting tomorrow to review the status of activity of what is turning out to be one of the largest Historical Rally Tours for many years. The Organising Committee approved an increase in Entries and we are pleased to confirm that within 3 days all places were taken. The event now has 80 confirmed entries and it is all steam ahead to deliver the event as outlined.
The Committee will release an Event Update following tomorrows meeting with updates also being published on the Historic Rally Club NSW and ACT Group.
President of the Historic Rally Club NSW and ACT Michael Batten has kindly agreed to join the Organising Committee.
Thank you to all Entrants and also to those entries on the Reserves List.
The 1968 London to Sydney Marathon Rally was a real marathon. A rerun of the Australian leg has been organised for 2021. Laurie Mason one of the organisers has set up a facebook group where you can read about the event and keep up to date with their news. Perth to Sydney Marathon Rerun 2021
An objective of the Organisers with this event is to provide participants with a real sense of what the 1968 Marathon was all about while following the route as precisely as we can. What is apparent is that what took less than 3 days in 1968 we cannot contemplate in 2021.
Distances between logical overnight locations is a major determining factor and this is resulting in variations in daily distances from 900kms on one day down to as little as 400kms on another, all the while averaging a little under 600kms per day.
The Organisers are very conscious of the changed expectation regarding road safety since 1968, and we are working hard to provide sensible daily distances with rest times, combined with the opportunity for time for social interaction, but trying not to diminish the excitement of the drive part of the event.
Morris 1100
Flash Back to 1968 – #41 Morris 1100 – Sydney Telegraph Car 4 – E Westley @ Brachina Control (16/12/68), Flinders Ranges, South Australia – Position 50
08 May 2020 update
We already have a full field of 72 Expressions Of Interest’s with now 11 on the reserves list.Pressure is being placed on Ford Australia to have them allow KAG-002 (Car 24) to run in the event with Ian Vaughan driving. If that happens we will have all ten 1968 Marathon cars in the event.
……..The event will be the only long distance event to be held in 2021 in Australia.
To all the confirmed Entrants on the P2SMR2021 event, the Organising Committee wish to extend a huge thank you.
You have booked your place on what could be, in all probability, the last event that is held that includes so many original 1968 Marathon contestants, participants, and vehicles, and travels the original route across Australia. This will be the last hoorah downunder for what many consider to be the greatest marathon of them all.
The Committee will do everything we can to make sure the event is enjoyable, interesting, surprising, and memorable. And we might just chuck in a liberal dose of excitement as well.
There is only one week to go before places not taken up in the first round of invitations will be offered to those on the Reserves List.
At this point in time it is very pleasing to advise that of the proposed limit of 72 entries there are only 14 invitations still to confirm their place. Two EOI’s signalled their withdrawal and those positions have been very quickly filled.
This demonstrates the depth of interest in this event.
The Organisers look forward to welcoming the full field of 72 Entrants by this time next week.
Once again, a huge thank you to all the confirmed Entrants for your vote of confidence in the Organisers and the event.