Got any picture of this Volvo?

Volvo reg LPY 158F Car 58 WCR 1970
Volvo reg LPY 158F Car 58 WCR 1970

Hey guys, I am looking for high definition photos of the Volvo Amazon Number 58. Who can help ? Please send to [email protected] THANKS !!!

Please can you help us find some pictures of this Volvo 132 for Guido. It was car 58 in the World Cup Rally 1970. Crewed by R Anderson, E Willcocks and Tim Bosence.

You can see some more photos of LPY 158F in our earlier post.

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London Mexico Car 58 Volvo LPY 158F

Volvo 132 car 58 in the Daily Mirror World Cup Rally 1970 registration number LPY 158F. The car was crewed by R Anderson, E Wilcocks and Tim Bosence.

Thanks to Graham Patten for sharing these photos with us from the late Ron “Andy” Andersons collection.