9th May 1970 50 years ago. Timeline: Ituporanga 1800 hrs
Daily Mirror London-Mexico World Cup Rally
We reach the Rio Grande Prime. Car is filthy and we are not much better surviving on fruit you can peel and packets of biscuits. This Prime was ferociously fast, over green rolling countryside I believe but we were to do this in the dark, still with the possibility of meeting oncoming traffic, though at night we could see them coming at least. Sadly on this Prime we lost our team mates in the other privateer Maxi. They went off track and badly damaged their suspension and drive shaft – so badly that the car could not be driven and was out. We hung on in there and reached the end of the Prime just before daylight broke. Now we faced a long drive towards the border with Uruguay and we could relax a bit. Still going……but only 56 cars left running. At 1100 miles from Rio, at this rate how many cars could survive to Mexico???
As posted to facebook by Bron Burrell
This post is a part of a series of posts in which Bron Burrell recalls her 1970 World Cup Rally. See all Brons posts in this series.